Zoo Wars~BCR v Court ORDERS-Update the Return of the Tiger Ridge Animals

Amazed that a government agency-the ODA- thinks they are above the law and the ruling of the court. An appeal will cost MORE tax payer money to tie it up with more litigation when there is already an issue for the safe return of the animals that exists once animals crossed state line-The state of Ohio lost control the second the animals left Ohio and now will be open to federal suit-Never mind an appeal there is a storm brewing with a claim of abuse.

BCR received several of the Tiger Ridge animals AFTER a lengthy stay with the ODA in charge at the Ohio Animal Penitentiary…ANY ABUSE OBSERVED WOULD BE THE ABUSE FROM THE OHIO DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE NOT TIGER RIDGE…The following demonstrates the abuse as documented by Carole Baskin of Big Cat Rescue (BCR) and now blaming it on Hetrick which couldn’t be further from the truth and also documented as well as in numerous posts that can be found on this blog.


bcr-ohio-cats-arent-going-anywhere-statementCarole Baskin has been enjoying the money coming from Ohio from tax payer money to care for the animals-Wala-the creation of more lies begins to keep the money coming and no matter where it comes from-Help pay for their care-Help BCR fight a court order…Oh yeah, people gullible enough to donate to help her be in defiance of a court order-Baskin gets creeper by the minute with her professional techniques to beg for more money-The BCR 990 IRS reports reveals more than 4 million in reserve.

Tiger scamWho has so many IRS 501-C-3 corporation’s registered to themselves? And you didn’t think there is money in a Not for Profit business to be made-HA!


Who will ever be able to forget Leo and all the images that came from the ODA?

11998925_10205911240319086_4978623254050456191_nAfter suffering at the Ohio Animal Penitentiary-Leo

Carole Baskin is NOT so innocent herself of abuse-She’s the Mastermind behind 911 Animal Abuse

baskin-mastermind-behind-911-animal-abuseThe TRUTH Carole Baskin doesn’t want YOU to know!!! Put into a concise format with links documenting every single entry-Carole Baskin exposed and a fraud!!!

For more documented information http://bigcatexploiters.weebly.com/carole-baskin.html 


Carole Baskin will always claim that the people behind exposing her for the liar that she is are lying however each and every claim is documented and Baskin is unable to dispose of this evidence. There is more to be found at the above link…These are some strong words:

  • Maintain compatible groups of animals in the same enclosure.
  • Handle animals in a manner that prevented physical harm.
  • Maintain structurally sound housing facilities for dogs.
  • Clean water receptacles.
  • Clean the premises and keep it free of accumulations of trash.
  • Maintain complete records on the premises showing the acquisition, disposition, and identification of animals.
  • Provide a suitable method for the rapid elimination of water from outdoor housing facilities.
  • Clean primary enclosures as required.
  • Store supplies of food in an adequate manner.
  • and Maintain a sufficient distance or barrier between animals and the viewing public.

And while she has been able to fly by under the radar…She can no longer hide HER PAST and her claim that only she is qualified to care fore those animals WRONG!!! No one has this much history behind them so start asking questions and see for yourself how she tries to get out of it…

baskin-pants-on-fireDrain the Swamp people from people making false claims-Stop donating!!! BCR is NOT a charity no matter the IRS status.
Tiger Ridge Ruling here: tigerridgeexoticsruling
Disclaimer connected to this blog…Things said are of my opinion and the opinions of others…Stay tuned and follow this blog -B
Special note of gratitude to Big Cat Exploiters and BCR Watch for the tremendous amount of hours devoted to exposing the truth! Both have websites and dedicated FB pages-Both recommended!

~ by topcatsroar on November 23, 2016.

2 Responses to “Zoo Wars~BCR v Court ORDERS-Update the Return of the Tiger Ridge Animals”

  1. Tiger Ridge animals were contented,well cared for& healthy before being tranquilized,removed& transported unconscious in unheated horse trailers in the winter from the Hetrick’s by the ODA. Since which time they’ve been shuffled& reshuffled from place to place,demonstrated to be worse than where they were originally taken from. It’s been stated the ODA considers the Hetrick’s to be rude&uncivil in their protests to the removal of the animals from a home & people the animals had grown in. Does the ODA expect cards&warm ‘thank you’s’ as a response to the seizure? While they ridicule the Hetrick’s supporters,the ODA is a testament to the unfair ‘steamrolling’ of a bureaucratic authority over a citizen,without regard to injuries it causes to those affected by its actions.

    • Thank you for your response to my post!
      I largely hold Governor Kasich responsible for the actions of the ODA-By now he has to know he is not supported from the actions that he signed into law supposedly as a public safety issue based on one incident where no one was harmed. I do not believe that Thompson’s death was a suicide and nor do I believe that he cut the locks on those cages-an insult to my intelligence. Kasich knows and as a Republican should be against civil forfeiture but instead the law is major in taking property from it’s owners without a criminal conviction. A permit is administrative largely and instead of taking property (the animals) should have been a fine. No other law takes property based on a lack of license especially from a business
      I’m in agreement with you and consider your words well thought out but understand it has sadly become the norm when taking animals from their owners-No one other than the actual owners really cares about the animals including the places that stake claim to become the caregivers for the STOLEN animals but instead use the animals to raise donations to provide although the state is paying them well for their care.
      So I hope when you speak of the ODA you are also referring to Governor Kasich and those that support his style of in-humane legislation!!! -B

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