“The Power of One”



“Once Upon a Time” the Humane Society of the United States was organized for a noble purpose. However, in recent years the Humane Society of the U.S. appears to have lost its way, and has actively demonized so many decent and caring individuals who have anything to do with Animals. Consequently, the fundamental Principles and Rights of Humans that our Forefathers set out in the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution, are being desecrated by those who believe the Rights of Animals are greater than the Rights of Humans. And yet, a review of the words set out in the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution reveals no mention of “Animal Rights.”

Human Rights are sacrosanct, as well they should be, and no person and no organization have an absolute right to desecrate the God-Given Rights of Humans. That is why I believe that all who believe in the Guiding Principles of the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution need to work in concert to “Right the Unrightable Wrongs” of the Humane Society of the U.S.

Each of us represents the “Power of One.” And each of us has the “Power” to communicate with others, and to share with others how best to “Right the Unrightable Wrongs” of the Humane Society of the U. S. If each of us exercises the “Power of One,” the multiplier effect of our cumulative actions will become an insurmountable force that will ensure that our God-Given Rights are once again restored, revered and protected. Let us all work together as “One” in order to restore the integrity of our Rights as so eloquently summarized by the immortal words of “One Nation, Under God!”

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