The Companion Animal Protection Act (CAPA)

CAPA failed to pass in Texas this past year. WHY is H$U$/PeTA/ASPCA and THLN so against it if they really care about our pets?!? Because they DON’T!!! I means they might have to actually like animals. One generation and out-Wayne Pacelle, CEO -H$U$

Too many shelters are not voluntarily implementing the No Kill Equation. As a result, animals are being needlessly killed. In response, the No Kill Advocacy Center has developed model legislation to help animal lovers and animal advocates achieve their goal of No Kill communities: The Companion Animal Protection Act.

This law mandates the programs and services which have proven so successful at lifesaving in shelters which have implemented them; follows the only model that has actually created a No Kill community; and, focuses its effort on the very shelters that are doing the killing. As a result, it provides a framework for success unavailable from traditional legislative models such as punitive legislation aimed at the public or through counterproductive national efforts that legitimize the killing.

CAPA highlights:

  • Establishes the shelter’s primary role as saving the lives of animals
  • Declares that saving lives and protecting public safety are compatible
  • Establishes a definition of No Kill that includes all savable animals including feral cats
  • Protects rabbits and other animals, as well as dogs and cats
  • Makes it illegal for a shelter to kill an animal if a rescue group or No Kill shelter is willing to save that animal
  • Requires shelters to provide animals with fresh food, fresh water, environmental enrichment, exercise, veterinary care, and cleanliness
  • Makes it illegal for shelters to kill owner relinquished animals without making them available for adoption or transfer to a rescue group, even in cases where the owner wants the animal killed unless the animal is suffering
  • And more…

For No Kill success to be widespread and long lasting, we must focus on institutionalizing No Kill by giving shelter animals the rights and protections afforded by law. Every successful social movement results in legal protections that codify expected conduct and provide protection against future conduct that violates normative values.

We need to regulate shelters in the same way we regulate hospitals and other agencies which hold the power over life and death. The answer lies in passing and enforcing shelter reform legislation which mandates how a shelter must operate.

For more information, including a copy of CAPA and tools to get it passed in your state, go to the above link (You will be taken to our CAPA website at Rescue Five-O.)

The Companion Animal Protection Act mandates the provision of low-cost spay/neuter and medical care. Because many shelters have fees which are not “low cost” despite the claim, we also recommended a fee schedule for services at public sheltering agencies.

Read why mandatory spay/neuter and licensing laws don’t work. The Dark Side of Mandatory Spay/Neuter/Why Punitive Legislation Fails

CAPA was passed in Delaware!

3 Responses to “The Companion Animal Protection Act (CAPA)”

  1. Part of CAPA was also passed in CA years ago. It is known as Hayden’s Law. It was also passed in Austin, TX and they are now saving over 90% of all animals. CAPA has also been introduced in other states such as NY (ASPCA is fighting it in NY), MN, FL and VA.

    When it is introduced again in Texas in 2013, I hope that all Texans will stand up and tell their elected officials to pass it. Texas is slaughtering too many healthy and treatable pets (80,000 killed in Houston alone every year). Find out more about Texas legislation and Texas elected officials on the No Kill Texas Advocates website.

  2. the following was posted on a post I made in support of the florida companion animal protection act. i need some help in making my point that it will save innocent lives.

    any help?

    “lets say the County facility can hold 200 dogs and 100 cats. Lets also say that only one animal is allowed per cage. Follow that to the new law where as long as there is an empty spot no animal can be put down. Sounds good until the County agrees and says that the NEW remodeled facility will be state of the art, however it will only be able to house 70 dogs and 40 cats.
    And the beat goes on. There is no provision for size of facility affixed to the bill and I am unsure of what criteria I would agree with to set that size but one thing is certain, if I as an administrator of the program wanted to keep costs at a minimum then I would want it as small as possible and if FULL meant I was able by law to reduce the population anytime FULL was reached, I would push for the law as is as it gives me full reign to set how big my facility is. 70 dogs and I am euthanizing 5-10% each week or full capacity. I dont see this bill as a help and in fact may aid euthanasia.”

    what kind of rebuttal can i make to this?



    • I would look into Haydan’s Law that passed in Austin in 2012 and see what their success rate is as well as other places to do a cross comparison. I would also ask these shelters themselves for information of success and failure and how they would improve what they are already working with if I understand your question as to what you are looking for…I also think contacting the No Kill Collation directly that they will likely have a lot of information they can provide for you.

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