ZOO WARS-Responding to Baskin’s Response to FWC


Carole Baskin CEO of BCR has gone bat-shit crazy!!! And if she thinks she is going to smear my name and get away with it, she has sent herself up for a cat fight she can’t win. There is too much now on her that authorities can not continue to ignore and I am just being made aware of what happened to my complaint of last October-On reading Carole and Howard Baskin’s response, you can feel the bone chilling fear of their being exposed once and for all!!!

A double standard can not be accepted within government agencies-And to hide inspection reports and investigations from FIOA requests and then make a classic attempt to discredit the person who wrote the complaint; demonstrates that a person has something they actually want hidden.

Such is the case with a response from both Carole and Howard Baskin in separate correspondence to FWC over a complaint I sent last October concerning BCR and Florida Wildlife Conservation exposing the truth of the matter that Carole Baskin intentionally broke regulations and was quite serious as it put the general public, volunteers and the people hired to work there, in harms way. Baskin knew at that time what she was doing and knew that she hadn’t received a variance to the general regulations to allow leopards in an enclosure built for tigers; after all, this wasn’t the first time that she had done it.

On October 10, 2014 I made a rather long post regarding BCR -Please review: This post is vital to understanding the corruption Baskin has gone to for the gain of donations and after you read it once, read it again. The link will open in another tab so you can easily return to this post: https://topcatsroar.wordpress.com/2014/10/10/zoo-warsinvestigative-reportbig-cat-rescuecarole-baskin-lives-for-the-power-and-bragging-rights/

For you the reader of this blog, it’s a read but for me, it’s hours of investigating as throughly, correctly and honestly as I possibly can as well as to write a post that can be understood as I document my thoughts and findings on this blog for preservation of my what seems like endless work as well as to provide an education behind the scenes of the corruption of the animal rights movement.

Today, a post on Big Cat Rescue Watch was brought to my attention-I only wish I had access to a computer sooner and to the documents contained in the post obviously from a FOIA request.


Is The FWC In Cahoots With Big Cat Rescue?

Does Big Cat Rescue have an inside man or in this case, woman, inside the FWC?

Why are Howard and Carole Baskin requesting Big Cat Rescue be exempt from the Public Records Act due to their opinions of others? Since Big Cat Rescue has previous violations are they going to follow their own advice and stop requesting information on other facilities?


[Bloggers note: Howard Baskin’s response is not out of the ordinary for how people respond when I hit the nail on the head-too bad it’s already been exposed by myself for the past 6 years-That’s right, 6 years on the 27th of the month. The actual complaint is exposed in this document] http://www.bigcatrescuewatch.com/uploads/2/6/8/1/26816874/re__public_records_request2.pdf

[Bloggers note-seems a bit too friendly on speaking with a government official if you were to ask me] http://www.bigcatrescuewatch.com/uploads/2/6/8/1/26816874/animal_exploiters.pdf


[Bloggers note: Eye opener in exposing the relationship between Howard Baskin and Captain Kara Hooker] http://www.bigcatrescuewatch.com/uploads/2/6/8/1/26816874/hoffman_document_request.pdf

[Bloggers note:Rather than state yes, they broke regulations, Howard Baskin tells Captain Hooker that the only reason they are receiving complaints is that it comes from Joe and his supporters-WRONG!!! They broke regulations numerous times and only had their hand slapped with a warning and the variance was denied] http://www.bigcatrescuewatch.com/uploads/2/6/8/1/26816874/oklahoma_jerk_asking_people_to_call_you.pdf


Unlike my complaint that was sent to FWC; my response to what I read today is being made public…So heads up Carole and Howard, game on bitch, I responded and FWC is required to make a through investigation of everything from my last complaint and my current response-Calling you out from behind the computer to the reality of the situation-


Dear Capt. Hooker,

An email addressed to you from Carole Baskin was recently exposed to me

My complaint was taken too lightly and Carole Baskin can not speak for me nor am I in association with her or any of the numerous NFPs that are listed at her address.

The complaint I sent exposed that she lied to FWC just as she lied about who I am and my background. That story has been told already by me and published for anyone interested in knowing my background including the fact that I vouched for Don and Carole Lewis, Wildlife on Easy Street, when FWC wanted to seize three tigers that had been smuggled in to the state of Florida and held at their facility for more than a year. I am also acknowledged in a book written by Carole Baskin in the proper care of cubs due to my personal success and sharing of that information with her due to the numerous cubs she was losing. Including the wrongful keeping of cubs in buckets, often referred to as ‘Carole’s bucket babies’ and clearly inappropriate for the keeping of cubs. Pictures are available should you be interested in seeing that atrocity.

My recommendation stated that they were knowledgeable with big cats, had the tigers for more than a year so by now had the 1000 hours experience required to have them so FWC might as well allow them the license.Since that time things for Carole Baskin have changed as I am sure you are aware.

I met them thru Delores Neuman who wanted me to vouch for them-which I did after working with Don and viewing how the animals were housed. I even placed one of my cats with him on breeding loan. Years later, Wildlife on Easy Street became what is now known as Big Cat Rescue who also has 911 animal abuse.com filled with all sorts of whatever can be dug up on anyone and practically everyone who owned or has owned big cats in this country and led complaint campaigns against private owners and commercial private owners; therefore, any and all problems that Carole Baskin has with others, are of her own making.

I was NEVER cited by the USDA for cruelty and as a matter of fact never had any serious issues with that agency. Carole Baskin made a false complaint to that agency in 2007 shortly after my late husband passed away. An inspector came and was furious over the false statements in that complaint. Matter of fact and old history, all was going smoothly with the construction of a new facility until Hurricane Dolly hit and was so bad, I had to relocate with the help of Fred Lulling. I no longer needed a USDA license as not required in Texas and not displaying at the time so I decidedit was best for it to be revoked.

I was never charged with cruelty, there was no hearing for cruelty and there is no conviction. It was a civil matter, nothing more; after all, I made the mistake of relocating to East Texas and I was unaware of the history against big cat ownership in that area-That complaint was sent from WBCR owned by convicted felon Jeff Kozlowski, bank robber, whose clan lives in Marion County, Texas -Under extreme duress I signed away my big cats to the county; end of story as it applies to what information is on Carole Baskin’s 911 animal abuse website and contents of a letter I see was sent to you.

I truly believe the situation at Big Cat Rescue is quite serious and has gone on much too long; given the years of complaints and she’s not done a thing about the conditions that those animals are living in which is totally unacceptable yet appears that both the USDA and FWC has allowed to continue. Other owners would never get away with those conditions. This double standard has to stop.

Case in point, if Melanie Boynes is not allowed to have a facility at her home with beautiful amazing caging that actually exceeds FWC criteria; then BCR’s should be revoked immediately. Private ownership should not be subject to a double standard. Especially when provoked with the complaints from Carole Baskin. The creation of her 911 animal abuse website is to stop all private ownership EXCEPT her own; this is her 20 year plan.

As I am certain you are aware, BCR has one of the highest death rates in this country of big cats. That can only happen in sub-standard conditions. She makes money off the animals deaths and displays the skins and skulls in a party room. Exploiting every aspect of the animals life for donations. Maybe that’s not against the law but certainly is immoral, rather sickening and testimony as to who and what you and other agencies are dealing with, including hiring a paid lobbyist to the tune of $40,000.00 (from money donated for animal care) to end big cat ownership, which is against regulations for a 501-C-3 and no one is doing a thing regarding that issue as well. Carole Baskin recently made a large contribution to Rubio’s campaign as well, with donated money collected for animal care I’m sure.

Her court case against Joe Schreibvogel has nothing to do with animals but instead, the use of the name, Big Cat Rescue Entertainment. GW Exotics has be one of the finest privately owned zoos in this country that I have been to and in my extensive travels I have been to many. Jealously of that facility led to the case over the name issue. I can not help but question why she has not gone after Wisconsin Big Cat Rescue for the same considering who owns it and has had an incident; also with caging that is substandard and also would never meet FWC or USDA/APHIS regulations.

When Carole Baskin asks for you to consider the source, then I must implore you to do the same with regards to the complaint I sent in October with proof of how she and husband Howard Baskin has and is lying to you, your agency, other agencies and the general public and courts of law; all of which she considers her MARKS (suckers). What a shame that this deception has gone on for much too long!

Barbara E. Hoffmann
Reference can be found here: http://www.bigcatrescuewatch.com/uploads/2/6/8/1/26816874/re__public_records_request.pdf

This is neither my website or published by a big cat owner but instead, a concerned citizen who felt he was duped. I suggest going thru that website.

Special note: This letter will be published on my blog as I have NOTHING to hide even though I am well aware that Carole and Howard Baskin are following both of these blogs in fear of finally being exposed. Topcatsroar is dedicated to exposing the animal rights agenda.
Top Cats Roar…

Just another WordPress.com site


So what is the TRUE relationship between Howard and Carole Baskin and FWC employee Captain Kara Hook?!? The above letter was sent to Ron Cave with FWC as well as Dr. Betty Goldertyer head of the East Coast USDA/APHIS Department of the USDA.

Time that they collectively do something about Big Cat Rescue and the corruption. A link to this blog post will also be sent to both agencies. You are welcome to send in your complaints and I suggest you review my original complaint and start asking questions concerning the relationship between Carole Baskin and these agencies. Ask for a complaint number and a reply after investigating this matter.

This is exactly what Carole Baskin does on her FB posts, on her blog and her 911 animal abuse.com website. Apparently neither of the Baskin’s enjoy when  the shoe is on the other foot. However, the difference is, this complaint was REAL and demonstrates the truth in Baskin’s own words many times over including the previous numerous times she broke the law putting any number of people in REAL danger (according to Baskin and her support of the Big Cat Safety Act.)

For years I have been saying that the things she claims are of truth about government authorities and agencies are only because they are things she herself has gotten away with-Time past due in making it all come to a halt.

Disclaimer connected to this blog…Things said are of my opinion and the opinions of others…Stay tuned and follow this blog…This bitch is angered and the cat fight has only just begun  -B

Please copy/paste a copy of your complaint as a comment to this blog post. Your name is whoever you decide as your screen name for this blog and your email will not be exposed-I want a central location collecting the complaints that need to be exposed to demonstrate that many people are concerned.

Send your complaints to FWC: kara.hooker@myfwc.com and ron.cave@myfwc.com

To Dr. Betty Goldentyer head of the East Coast USDA/APHIS Department: betty.j.goldentyer@usda.gov

One letter as I did, will be sufficient…Feel free to include pictures and links to posts for Big Cat Rescue, 911 animal abuse.com or FB and/or blog. Also any posts of interest from Big Cat Rescue Watch can also be included. And you are welcome to use any posts from this blog as needed. Get to work fast, you better believe they will start redacting posts so make copies!!! Copy videos as well and save them!!!

Blog posts of interest from TopCatsRoar:



Anyone interested in contacting the IRS-This will be of interest: https://topcatsroar.wordpress.com/2015/02/14/zoo-wars-information-concerning-two-of-the-six-nfps-listed-to-carole-baskin/

Along with the collection of funds for animal care that have been used for lobbying and a large donation to Marco Rubio’s presidential campaign.

Contact the Florida Attorney General for the wrongful representation of the collection of funds for animal care and that her mother notarized numerous documents.

Concern for the high death rate at BCR ignored by government authorities https://topcatsroar.wordpress.com/2015/08/10/carole-baskin-ceo-big-cat-rescue-big-game-trophy-hunter/



~ by topcatsroar on January 25, 2016.

2 Responses to “ZOO WARS-Responding to Baskin’s Response to FWC”

  1. Remember…any and all written, typed, and sent via email, text, or carrier pigeon, correspondence is legal proof. And I saw how this Captain Whosiewhatsky was responding as if condoning Carole’s position.

    JoAnne D. Craigmile

  2. Well, being a cat expert, Carole just doesn’t see what the fuss is all about, and really, in her own words, feels that since she got away with something years ago, she should be able to keep on doing it, new laws be damned. If she has a new septic tank installed, Howard better run fast and far!

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