ZOO WARS ~ Wood County’s Sheriff Department Commits Animal Cruelty Removing Hetrick’s animals-

 “Let the public see them tranquilizing the animals and poking them with sticks to see if they are out and then tranquilizing them again. Then they were dragging them through the snow and putting them in horse trailers, it’s uncalled for, it’s cruelty to animals.”

I’m not surprised in the least on viewing the video and reading those words-I know first hand what they do to animals, with those animal now seizure, done by rank armatures

Tim Harrison killed animals in transport on one of his so called rescues. Once Baskin finishes collecting on the animals, she proclaims that euthanasia was necessary-More cats now dead at Big Cat Rescue as reported today–with no investment and plenty more available to steal.

dangerous humans

My animals were horribly mistreated by their so called rescuers. They don’t care about the animals-not in the least and after viewing this video, it is evident they don’t care about Kenny’s animals. -To top it off, the animals, as far as I know, will remain at the penitentiary despite a court order to return them with a 30 day stay in place.

Every animal owner and animal lover in this country should be alarmed at this breach of due process for an illegal and unconstitutional animal seizures. As soon as those so called rescuers, the ODA joined by the Wood County Sheriff’s Department learned there was a stay going into effect and were told to slow down, they sped up-WTF?!?

The ODA claims that Hetrick’s animals were in cruel and inhumane conditions  but after viewing the video, it is apparent to anyone that this couldn’t be further from the truth. The lies are in every animal seizure done to cover up the fact that this has nothing to do with how the animals are living or that there is no public safety issue…We live in an imaginary world where the authorities who are supposed to be protecting us against such government intrusions, are enforcing them.

“Justice in America -Nothing More Than A Fractured Fairytale”

I urge everyone to please go to the fundraiser in place to help the Hetrick family: http://www.gofundme.com/3omrpo


Hetrick seizure

Surveillance video from Tiger Ridge seizure [at the link]

There is video from the state’s seizure of the Tiger Ridge animals. A number of surveillance cameras on the property were rolling. 13abc obtained that video today.

The video recorded the entire process and tonight the owners and their supporters are crying foul. They claim the video shows the animals being mishandled as they were being taken away.

The Hetrick family says the video speaks for itself. Corrina Hetrick and her father Kenny run Tiger Ridge, “Let the public see them tranquilizing the animals and poking them with sticks to see if they are out and then tranquilizing them again. Then they were dragging them through the snow and putting them in horse trailers, it’s uncalled for, it’s cruelty to animals.”

One of the video clips that bothers the Hetrick family the most involves their Kodiak bear. The Hetricks say he was in hibernation when he was tranquilized, “They darted him, pulled him out of the den and took a metal pole and hit him on the side of the head. To see them hitting that bear in the head with a pole. Why? why? That’s what I want the public to see.”

The Hetricks also claim no one asked any questions about the animals before darting them, “They never asked if any of the animals were under vet care taking medicine or if any were sick or which animals they may need to be more careful with. This was a full on assault and attack”

The seizure of the animals happened on the fourth anniversary of the death of Corrina’s mother,”The lion, Leo was my mom’s baby. When I heard them hit him with tranquilizer and he was roaring and crying I felt like I was losing my mom all over again.”

While the Hetricks say watching the video was heartbreaking, they add it motivates them to fight even harder to bring the animals back home, “I will go to the ends of the earth and do whatever I have to do to ensure our animals will be back home.”

An Ohio Department of Agriculture spokesperson says, “”While we cannot comment specifically on the video without seeing it, our veterinarians and animal health staff are trained to carefully move animals on net stretchers and did not drag any animal through the snow. Additionally, it is a standard veterinary practice to test the reflexes of an animal that has been aestheticized in order to determine if the anesthesia has taken full effect.”


Sure looks like this spokesperson for the DOA didn’t see that video!!!



State: Exotic animal farm owner missed permit deadline, did not meet caging and care requirements

STONEY RIDGE, OH (Toledo News Now) – A judge has ordered the state of Ohio to return exotic animals seized from the Tiger Ridge Exotics animal farm in Stony Ridge Wednesday.

The Ohio Department of Agriculture seized all but one of the animals from the Tiger Ridge exotic animal farm on Wednesday.

The department says Tiger Ridge owner Kenny Hetrick did not submit his application by the Jan. 1, 2014 deadline. It also says a visit to the farm showed Hetrick “failed to comply with caging requirements needed for public safety, and care standards intended to protect the animals.” Read the department’s letter to Hetrick here.

After the animals had already been taken from the farm Wednesday, a Wood County Common Pleas Court judge ordered them returned. The Ohio Department of Agriculture says decision on when the animals seized from Tiger Ridge Exotics will be returned won’t come until it is safe for them to travel again. Erica Hawkins, a spokesperson for the Ohio Department of Agriculture, says all the animals were tranquilized when they were moved to an ODA facility in Reynoldsburg, near Columbus.


Bloggers Note: Smoke screen people-and cover-up-The animals were ordered to be returned while still tranquilized…The conditions of the animals remains un-known.


She says it is counter-intuitive to good animal care to tranquilize animals on consecutive days. Vets working for ODA will evaluate each animal to determine when it is safe to ship them back to Tiger Ridge Exotics. Hawkins says all of the animals are being housed in a heated vet center in Reynoldsburg.

Judge Kelsey also set a hearing on a permanent injunction stopping the seizure for Feb. 10 at 1 p.m.


I suspect not a single animal will ever be returned…

Keep making those calls!!!

Dept. of Agriculture (614) 728-6201
(614) 728-6285
Animal Health Division (614) 728-6220
Enforcement Division (614) 728-6240
Legal Office (614) 728-6430
Governor Kasich
Phone: (614) 466-3555

Baskin wants your pet

Disclaimer connected to this blog…Things said are of my opinion and the opinions of others…Stay tuned -B

~ by topcatsroar on January 30, 2015.

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